- While at the station, he was ordered to participate in the noted
Bayang Cotta campaign in which three (3) companies of the
Constabulary and two (2) companies of Philippine Scouts took
active part. It was in this campaign that 2nd Lt. Santos
distinguished himself and won his Medal of Valor.
• The year was 1917. The remnants of the band of Ampuan
Agaos, the most notorious of all Lanao outlaw chiefs and
other outlaw bands challenged the authority of the
government. - The Muslims numbering more than 1,500, occupied a group
of well-constructed and strongly fortified cottas at Bayang on
the shores of Lake Lanao. Around these forts they had
constructed elaborate construction of bamboo and barbed
wire to prevent the troops from emplacing scaling ladders.

- Col. Ole C. Waloe, veteran of Pulajan campaign in Leyte and
after whom the town of Waloe, Agusan was named, and
commander of the Mindanao and Sulu Constabulary from
1917 to 1924 opened an attack with mountain guns. After
several hours, the high explosive shells had cleared a path
through the obstructions surrounding the nearest cotta.
• When he ordered the assault, a gallant young Filipino
Lieutenant pleaded for the honor of leading the platoon which
was to place the scaling ladders. The request was granted.
The assault was successful, the first cotta was stormed and
some 30 of its garrison men slain. One soldier was killed and
five men were wounded. The lieutenant received a near fatal
gunshot wound at the back of his head.
• For his gallant conduct in this fight, 2nd Lt. Santos was
awarded – 18 years later the Medal of Valor.

Photo by Civil Relations Service AFP (via Facebook Page)