GENERAL SANTOS ARCHIVE Culture and Arts Agricultural Culture and Arts Politicals Religious Socials Agricultural Culture and Arts Politicals Religious Socials Search Engr. Damian Macatol in his younger years Engr. Damian Macatol, the Sculptor Engr. Damian Macatol, the Sculptor Engr. Leonardo Salazar, Sr. NLSA Chief Construction Engineer while Supervising the Silway Irrigation Page1 … Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Engr. Damian Macatol in his younger years Engr. Damian Macatol, the Sculptor Engr. Damian Macatol, the Sculptor Engr. Leonardo Salazar, Sr. NLSA Chief Construction Engineer while Supervising the Silway Irrigation Page1 … Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24