
his life story

  • 1890 June 22 – born in Camiling Tarlac to Remigio Santos and
    Rosa Torres, a poor Ilocano couple. He was one of the six (6)
    • 1897 – 1906 – received his early education in a parochial
    school conducted by the Spanish friars. When the American
    government was established after the fall of Spain, young
    Paulino continued schooling in the American public school,
    • With a seventh-grade elementary certificate, he was
    appointed municipal teacher in Camiling and Gerona, Tarlac.
    He stayed on the job for two years before his young man’s
    fancy to see the world prompted him to enlist in the US Navy
    in Cavite. Much to his mother’s displeasure, he left his
    teaching position in Camiling.
  • Paulino wanted to go abroad not really to join the US Navy but
    to study law in the United States. Unfortunately, cholera broke
    out in Manila and enlistment of Filipinos in the US Navy was
    stopped immediately.
    • Finding himself with dwindling resources, Paulino sought
    whatever job in Manila. He landed a job in an aerated water
  • The salary was small and the prospect for self-improvement
    nil, He realized that there was no future in washing softdrink
    bottles and decided to become a “soldado”.
    • His old adventurous spirit drove him to what was later to
    become his first and true love: the Army.
    • 1909 January 22 – With only his elementary education and his
    youthful zest for adventure to qualify him, Paulino, then 18
    years old, enlisted in the First General Services Company,
    • In 1910, he was detailed as an orderly to the then Secretary
    of War Charles Dickenson of the United States during the
    latter’s trip throughout the Philippines, and then to General
    James C. Harbord, then acting Chief of Constabulary.
    • 1912 September 29 – Before his honorable discharge from
    the enlisted service, he was promoted from private to corporal
    to sergeant and then to supply sergeant.
  • The years 1910 to 1913 proved to be a significant period in
    his life. For 3 years, during his free time, he would read all
    kinds of books available in the public library in Sta. Cruz,
    • Upon honorable discharge, Sgt. Santos accepted a clerical
    position offered by General Harbord in his headquarters. He
    stayed on the job until February 1914.
    • 1914 February 15, he took the competitive entrance
    examination for the Constabulary and obtained second place
    from a field of 48 candidates, Americans and Filipinos.
    • Commissioned third lieutenant, he was sent to the
    Constabulary Officers School (now Philippine Military
    Academy) for training, On April 30, 1914 he graduated at the
    head of his class composed of Americans and Filipinos.
    • After graduation from the Academy, 3rd Lt. Santos was
    stationed in Malolos, Bulacan as junior officer to 1st Lt. C.
    Cerquella. An unfortunate incident with the Provincial
    Governor of Bulacan resulted in his transfer to the District of
    Mindanao and Sulu.